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3M FP-221VW
文章来源:   点击数:774    发布时间:2016-09-28

3M CP-221热缩套管广州容信  3M热缩套管
3 M. CP-221 Tubing, rated at 125
°F), is mechanically tough and 
provides an economical combination of 
electrical insulation, flame retardance and 
chemical properties. In comparison with 
vinyl tubings, CP-221 Tubing off e r s 
higher continuous operating temperature, 
reduced longitudinal shrinkage, extended 
shelf-life and superior conformity 
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s .

CP-221 Tubing is rated for 
continuous operation from
67°F) to 135°C (257°F) and withstands 
higher temperatures for short periods. It 
is available in standard sizes from 3/64inch 
to 2-inch expanded diameter and is 
readily markable. Minimum shrink 
temperature for CP-221 Tubing is 121
( 2 5 0
° F ) .

Standard Sizes and Dimensions

Typical Applications

CP-221 Tubing is recommended as a 
general purpose heat-shrinkable tubing 
for new commercial applications as well 
as for upgrading existing applications 
where other types of tubings are now 

Shrink Ratio

CP-221 Tubing has a 2:1 shrink ratio. 
When freely recovered, the tubing will 
shrink to 50% of its as-supplied internal 
d i a m e t e r. The recovered wall thickness of 
the tubing is proportional to the degree of 
r e c o v e r y. High expansion-ratio CP-221 
Tubing is available subject to factory 
q u o t a t i o n .


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